Monday 26 November 2012


Noticed today that I've got a few flyer designs under my belt and thought it might be worth putting them up. get in touch if you like what you see and have any flyers, posters or other design work needing done...

Aztree sketch

just a wee sketch of an idea i had while working on a live piece, gonna be developing this one soon...

Wednesday 21 November 2012


Here's a wee follow-up but this time done with pyrography - a technique which involves using a device similar to a soldering iron and burning into wood. sorry the pictures aren't great but more pyrography on the way as i plan to start up doing custom design on cajons, longboards, guitars and any pretty much any other wooden items - get in touch if you have anything you want systematically burned... 

1st attempt at pyrography from a while ago done on a home made Cajon (drum box)

and the other side...

Friday 16 November 2012


 I have been interested in feathered serpent imagery for a while since seeing a picture of a Mayan vision serpent and thinking it looked sweet. I have more recently done some research and rekindled my interest. Feathered serpents are rife in meso-american culture and have various symbolic meanings, but most often are god like entities symbolising the link between earth and the heavens (snakes being of the earth and feathers of the sky). Quetzalcoatl is one such god, although what i draw is based more on the Mayan vision serpent which has the same origin but is deeply rooted in psychedelic ceremony.
more info here:

heres various sketches compiled into one image...

and some development...

into my latest painting... most likely more serpents to come though 


Thought it was about time to get a blog up and running properly, so here's to new beginnings and more to come!