Friday 14 June 2013


After their recent antics, on top of their usual bullshit, I decided to do a design for an anti-nestle piece going up soon (will update with final photos)
read more here... 

Back from the brink...

Design for digital prints...

Design for T-Shirts 

First post in a while, we (the TMFC) have 
recently moved in to a fantastic studio space at the ForestCentre+ in Edinburgh so
have been busy getting that set up. 
We have now settled in so expect more lovely things for your eyes soon, hopefully 
including some new t-shirts and prints featuring the design above...

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Optional Death Stare Longboard Collab...




Some more Pyrography and wood stain work this time on my very own Optional Death Stare Longboard!
( check out )
Hand pressed and shaped in Edinburgh by David 'Bloke' Lewis to your own specifications, if you are thinking about getting a longboard, he's the dude to speak to! Plus there's a team or artists and illustrators (including myself) on hand for custom graphics.

Sunday 24 February 2013


Found a photo of this one from a wee while ago, not going into the exhibition but i thought it was worth posting regardless... 


A spot of collage and paint...


Yet another for the exhibition - been riding the creative wave getting ready for this yin!
blue/brown/gold is my new favourite colour combo i think...

Friday 22 February 2013


Another yin for the exhibition. Edinburgh Art Shop got in a load of this brown card, ideal for stencils but also been really enjoying drawing on it...


A bit of stencil work for the upcoming exhibition. these are available in any colour of your choice (with a bit of notice)

Monday 28 January 2013


Been playing with the pyrography/wood stain combo again,
really enjoying building rich tones with layer upon layer of stain. unfortunately some of the detail has been lost in the photograph and the colour is not quite right (need to get a better camera!) Fortunately, you can probably see it and some of my other recent work in person at the Boda bar on Leith walk as of March, along with stuff from the rest of the TMFC in our spring exhibition.

Monday 21 January 2013


Robot done for a 'Defcon' flyer with a spot of spray background.

Friday 4 January 2013


My first piece of 2013! (admittedly started last year) A cityscape in paint and posca - approx. 120x20cm 
click on the image for a closer look...

plus a couple of wee closeups